Open to learn how to achieve this goal.

Hola and Hello!
I hope you had a wonderful winter break and are now ready to start a fantastic new year! 💪 I'm not sure if you're the type of person who makes and keeps New Year's resolutions. If you are, you have my admiration; if not, you are not alone. I recently learned that more than half of all resolutions are not completed, 😕 but these don't have to be yours this year. 😌 If you have new career goals that include technology and quick training, Austin Urban Technology Movement (AUTMHQ) will help!
AUTMHQ is an Austin-based non-profit dedicated to diversifying the tech industry while also providing cohort-based training, mentorship, devices, job placement assistance, and the best networking opportunities to our program participants. We can assist you in developing a plan to improve your professional life, providing mentoring to accomplish your goals, and supporting you in achieving success. To do so, you should first sign up to become an AUTMite so that we can help guide you on this journey. Additionally, please follow our social media accounts to learn about all the networking opportunities we provide. You will also be required to keep us up to date on your job status by responding to the biweekly job survey we send out via email. This allows us to stay in touch and ensure that you are active as an AUTMite.
We can assure you that the best way to pursue a career in technology is through Austin Urban Technology Movement, also known as AUTMHQ. We provide you with all of the resources you need to be successful in landing an exciting job in tech that pays more than $100,000!
Paty Sesma Vice President of Marketing and Communications at AUTMHQ
Sign up NOW for our Digital Literacy Workshops in English & Español

RSVP Now! In-person Day in the Life by AUTMHQ with Slalom!
Meet Slalom employees Lucero Perez, Senior Consultant in the Organizational Effectiveness practice, Gustavo Cardenas, Data Engineering Consultant, and Cyrus Motanya, Consultant in the Business & Experience Innovation practice, and learn how they help businesses tackle their most ambitious projects and develop new capabilities. Slalom's mission is to assist businesses in developing trust and long-term success.

The City of Austin's Youth Career Fest 2023 is here!
Youth Career Fest is a college and career exploration event, hosted by the City of Austin’s Youth Initiatives Office.
As the 10th year hosting the event, we are excited to bring a variety of federal, state, and local organizations, for 8th through 12th grade students in the greater Austin area.
The goal of this event is to provide a day where students can connect, engage, and learn from a variety of career and higher educational sectors, to enhance their options after graduation.
If you know an 8th through 12th grade student who is interested in attending, below is the Student Registration Form
If you would like to be a participating vendor for this citywide event, please fill out the Vendor Registration Form:

LinkedIn Career Experts Offer Advice On How People Can Succeed In 2023
To gain insights into what people should do to find a new job or fast-track their careers, Forbes turned to smart, experienced LinkedIn career experts to gain their sage advice, guidance and suggestions. Their collective overarching themes include having a strategy; always committing yourself to learn and update your skills; networking; personal branding and storytelling; being organized and keeping track of the job-search process; finding a good recruiter; having a crystal-clear rèsumè and LinkedIn profile; leveraging your human touch to stand out amongst the growing artificial intelligence trend and taking care of your mental health and well-being.

After starting a free tutoring service, 17-year-old senior Athena Hernandez of The Bishop's School in La Jolla, Calif., published a new book aiming to teach Spanish-speaking children the basics of coding in Python.
(TNS) — Being the only girl, coupled with being the only Hispanic student, in many of the computer science classes and programs Athena Coco Hernandez was in, was a lot. Don't misunderstand, though. It wasn't enough to push her out; in fact, it compelled her to bring other students like herself into the field. "It was a bit concerning because, with things like natural language processing and machine learning and stuff, it's really important to have diverse people working on things like that, and I wanted to see more people like me. … I went to seek out students that might not have access to computer science classes," she says. "I always really like to share my love for learning through teaching; because it was my favorite subject, I recognize the importance of how technology is growing in the world and how it can open many opportunities for students. I just wanted to provide more opportunities for students to sort of get started in the subject and find the passion that I found."

The hybrid work model raises hope for better gender diversity in the workplace
The Covid and the post-Covid period were widely expected to improve the participation of women in India's workforce, but that remains a pipe dream yet. The first phase of work from home and the hybrid model that followed during the recovery period, allowing people to spread work between home and office, has yet to attract more women to the workplace. Some recent reports have even suggested that women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic - loss of jobs and difficulty getting back into the national workforce.

👉 Stay tuned!
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